Thursday 31 January 2013

Successful Teams

A general dictionary defines teamwork as "the process or working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal." Here is an interesting You Tube video to give you a broader view of Successful Teams.

What makes teams successful?

33% - getting along
30% - listening
21% - setting priorities
6% - feeling recognized
6% - having everyone agree
4% - deciding who is in charge
All these combined together ultimately gives a
100% of a successful team according to my research.

Successful teams share the following characteristics:

  • Small size, Diverse Makeup
  • Agreement on purpose
  • Agreement on Procedures
  • Ability to Confront Conflict
  • Use of Good communication Techniques
  • Ability to Collaborate Rather Than Compete
  • Acceptance of Ethical Responsibilities
  • Shared Leadership

These are the major Characteristics of Successful Teams listed in our book. Details of some of them will be covered later in my posts.

The use of teams has been called the solution to many ills in the current workplace as quoted from our book. Applied to workplace, teamwork is a technique that sets an employee to approach in a selfless manner towards a specific business purpose. Today almost every management talks about the needs and importance of teamwork in an organization. From the media and research, it is clear that with growing number of companies nowadays almost every management is establishing their works around teams. The main reasons why many companies are using more business teams are due to rapid changes in environment conditions of strong competition. So what are the different phases a team must generally go through in order to be successful?

Next Topic Entry: The Four Phases of Team Development


    1. Think of the BEST team experience you have had. What made it the best?

    2. Now think of the WORST team experience you have had. What made it the worst?

    3. What can you do to make your team experience one of the BEST experiences?